Set out below are additional Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) regarding implementation of the market reform provisions of the Affordable Care Act. These FAQs have been prepared jointly by the Departments of Health and Human Services (HHS), Labor and the Treasury (the Departments). Like previously issued FAQs (available at, these FAQs answer questions from stakeholders to help people understand the new law and benefit from it, as intended.

FAQs About Affordable Care Act Implementation Part VI

More “frequently asked questions” about the PPACA are now on tap.  Here is the sextology of FAQ’s:

ACA Implementation FAQs: Part I • Part II • Part III • Part IV • Part V • Part VI

I suppose I am an inveterate cynic, but I doubt these questions are “frequently asked.”  For example, consider this one from FAQ #6:

Q3: A previous FAQ addressed the interaction of value-based insurance design (VBID) and the no cost-sharing preventive care services requirements. See . In that example, a group health plan did not impose a copayment for colorectal cancer preventive services when performed in an in-network ambulatory surgery center. In contrast, the same preventive service provided at an in-network outpatient hospital setting generally required a $250 copayment, although the copayment was waived for individuals for whom it would be medically inappropriate to have the preventive service provided in the ambulatory setting. The FAQ indicated that this VBID did not cause the plan to fail to comply with the no cost-sharing preventive care requirements.

A question about a different situation has been raised. Under a group health plan, similar preventive services are available both at an in-network ambulatory surgery center and at an in-network outpatient hospital setting, but currently no copayment is imposed for these services in either setting. This has been the case since March 23, 2010. If this plan wished to adopt the VBID approach described in the example above by imposing a $250 copayment for these preventive services only when performed in the in-network outpatient hospital setting (i.e., not when performed in an in-network ambulatory surgery center), and with the same waiver of the copayment for any individuals for whom it would be medically inappropriate to have these preventive services provided in the ambulatory setting, would implementation of that new design now cause the plan to relinquish grandfather status?

Now do you really think such questions are “frequently asked’?  Not likely.

So why do federal agencies use FAQ’s?  Because they can use the FAQ format to circumvent the rules applicable to regulatory projects.  The goal is to get the regulatory take on issues in the public domain without bothering with those pesky notice and comment requirements, the possibility of judicial review, etc.  The triumvirate of IRS, DOL and HHS has been strategic in their choice of media for getting their points across.  (”Interim final regulations” are another example.)

FAQ’s are not final agency action, or at least not typically thought of as such.  See, Golden & Zimmerman, LLC v. Domenech, 599 F.3d 426 (4th Cir. Va. 2010).  An agency may signal a position in a FAQ, and evade notice, comment and judicial review, while retaining the option of enforcement action of that position based on interpretations of statutory provisions and prior regulations — i.e., by arguing that was “always” the law.   That should be a cause for concern — particularly given the volume of this administration’s “FAQ’s”.

Note: For those folks out there asking this question, the answer to “Frequently Asked Question” #3 of the sixth set of FAQ’s is as follows:

No. This increase in the copayment for these preventive services solely in the in-network outpatient hospital setting (subject to the waiver arrangement described above) without any change in the copayment in the in-network ambulatory surgery center setting would not be considered to exceed the thresholds described in paragraph (g)(1) of the interim final regulations on grandfather status and thus would not cause the plan to relinquish grandfather status.

The Departments are seeking further information on VBID and wellness programs and are planning to address issues relating to those designs and programs in future regulations. Comments from plan sponsors have expressed an interest in being able to retain grandfather status notwithstanding certain changes in plan terms that are intended to implement VBID and wellness programs. As the regulatory process progresses, the Departments will be giving close attention to these comments, and further guidance may be issued addressing other circumstances in which plan changes implementing those designs and programs may be made without relinquishing grandfather status.