:: Clinical Evidence Protocols Rejected Under ERISA Plan’s Medical Necessity Standard

While a plan administrator need not “accord special weight to the opinions of a claimant’s physician,” it also “may not arbitrarily refuse to credit a claimant’s reliable evidence, including the opinions of a treating physician.”Black …

:: Eleventh Circuit Applies Supreme Court’s Davila Test To Health Care Providers’ “Hybrid” Claims

While similar to the Butero test, Davila refines Butero by inquiring about the existence of a separate legal duty, which is not a consideration under Butero. Moreover, a number of other circuits have recognized Davila’s …

:: “Clear Repudiation Rule” Applied In Determination That Benefits Claim Was Time-Barred

Underpayment of a benefit constitutes a repudiation of full benefits and triggers the statute of limitations. Id. at 521. The record is clear that the plaintiff was well aware of the underpayment more than four …